The method
Natural conception control (Jonas method) is based on two from themselves independent rhythms of fertile days. More significant biorhythm when the conception begins up to in 85% cases is determined individually for each woman. The second rhythm of fertile days is dependent on menses.
Origin of discoveries
First discoveries of the method were a response of Dr. Jonas to an abortion law which has been approved in Hungary. I could not agree with it as a physician and the faithful person and I was convinced that such an important event as the birth of a new human being has to have its rules.
Abortions carried out by gynecologists all over the world (cca 80 millions per year) are considered murders of conceived embryos in the mother´s womb, as Lord creates the soul of a human being at the moment of conception (to His image and because of His infinite love).
The existence of biological rhythms and their impact on nature and organisms are known. For example: the impact of the Sun on climate, weather or effect of the Moon in the form of low tide, high tide, etc. It has even an impact in certain phases also on organisms and thus on a human being (sensibility of somnabuls – somnambulism, epileptics).
Dr. Jonas discovered the first theses of biorhythms impact on fertility on the 15th August 1956 when we celebrate the holy day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, whose big admirer he was, therefore he devoted these and also other possible discoveries under her protection.
He rechecked several tens of cases immediately and the results were identical with reality. He gradually detected other connections and natural relations of conception control method on the basis of subsequent verification.
What is the point:
- to eliminate abortions
- so that women do not have to use abortive, other contraceptive preparations
- to reduce the number of childless marriages
- so that healthy women could bear the full term, to give birth to a healthy child
Progress of Researches
- method verification at Maternity Clinic in Bratislava (prof. MUDr. A. Hudcovič)
- results are evaluated by doc. MUDr. J. Málek (consultant of the 1 st Maternity Clinic in Prague, president of World Biorhythmic Society), prof. MUDr. K. Rechnitz(Budapest) and doc. Dr. F. Linka (Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences)
- theses correctness has been confirmed in 85% of cases
- prof. Rechnitz suggests to synthetize the method with Knaus-Onigo-Schröder theory
- processing of 8 000 births at clinics in Bratislava, Trnava, Piešťany and Nitra
- execution of 2 000 requests from Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia
- results of the first calculations had 96% reliability
- establishment of the research center of the Natural Conception Control ASTRA in Nitra
- 30 000 requests were processed in less than two years in four categories: naturally infertile days, conception of a boy or a girl, optimal fertile days, conception of viable child
- results were evaluated by the Academic Council of ASTRA and they proved 98% correctness of Dr. Jonas method
Academic Council of Astra
- clarification of natural relations for a twin conception
- rules for gender of the first conceived child which are given already at the birth of mother
- impact of the preceding pregnancy on the gender of the following conceived child
- time of birth child
- evaluation of the results of 34 year research which confirmed 98% success rate of the method
- date of child birth and factors influencing it
- course of birth and its influence on a new born child
- impact of artificial influences on the method of Natural Conception Control
The latest statistics confirm 98.6% reliability of conception of Jonas method.
The following 4 types of calculations are calculated at present:
I. Naturally Infertile days
The calculations of natural contraception are determined for the spouses who do not plan the conception of child in the following year. On the basis of client´s data is made for her the plan of her infertile days for 12 calendar months which begins by her last menses. For example: her last menses was on 15.5., the calculation will be made from May to April.
If a woman has not menses (after a childbirth or a miscarriage, etc.), the calculation will begin from a current month. Therefore the calendar of infertile days, in which a sexual intercourse does not result in a conception, is suitable also for women after a childbirth.
During the research only spouses who already had at least one child were included in this category, thus it was proved that they are fertile. Thus the reliability of the method could be confirmed.
II. Boy or girl
The calculation of dates for the conception of a boy or a girl is suitable for women who have no problems to become pregnant, they had no complications during pregnancy.
On the basis of client´s data is made for her the plan of her fertile days for one year beginning by her last menses. For example: her last menses was on 15.5., the calculation will be made from May to April.
If a woman does not have menses (for example after a childbirth), the calculation will begin from a current month.
They are usually 3-4 dates, the number is individual for each client.
If only the approximate time of client´s birth is known, the optimal days for the conception of a boy or a girl are calculated.
In case of exact time of birth, the sexes of two subsequent pregnancies and the time of birth are determined. For example: a woman has not been pregnant yet and she will get pregnant at a date BOY ☀, GIRL. At the first pregnancy a boy will be conceived who will be born during a day. When a woman gets pregnant for the second time a girl will be conceived.
If a woman already has for example one child and she will get pregnant at a date GIRL 🌙, GIRL, the gender of the second conceived child will be a girl who will be born at night hours and in case of further pregnancy – the third one, a girl will be conceived again.
During the research the spouses who already had at least one child were included in this category and they used the calculations of contraception for at least one year. Subsequently they were transferred to the group of gender selection, thus the correctness of method has been confirmed also in relation to the individual types of calculations.
III. Fertile days
The calculations of optimal days for conceiving related to women who have not been able to become pregnant so far – so-called primary sterility – which means that the state of health of spouses enables to conceive a baby (a woman has to have at least one ovary with an oviduct functional, a uterus and a man has to have sperms present).
Women who already have a child belong to this group as well, but they are not successful at the conception of the next one.
The plan of her fertile days for one year is made of client´s input data which begins with her last menses. For example: last menses was on 15.5., the calculation will be made from May to April.
If a woman does not have menses (after a childbirth, menses is very irregular, etc.), the calculation will begin from the current month.
Experience shows that up to 50% of spouses are marked as “infertile” on the basis of reduced number of sperms, shape, etc. and the women especially with PCO, endometriosis, but the calculations were also successful for them. It is very individual.
Even in cases of “tenacious sterility” when the spouses could not conceive a child for a long time, pregnancy came after 3-4 years when fertile days were regularly used.
IV. Viable child
The calculations of a viable child are determined for women who although can became pregnant, but they have had complications in pregnancy – miscarriage (abortion), premature childbirth (before the 37th week), stillborn child, various child disability, death of a new born within 14 days after birth, genetic disorders, etc.
Unfortunately, today up to 70% of this group are represented by women who have had artificial complications – after taking an abortive contraception, after artificially induced pregnancies (caused by medicaments, insemination, artificial insemination) etc.
They have usually a problem with pregnancy itself and the calculation of fertile days would be ideal, but as they have the high probability of complications of next pregnancy, they are included in this category.
The plan of her fertile days for one year is made of client´s input data which begins with her last menses. For example: last menses was on 15.5., the calculation will be made from May to April.
If a woman has not menses (for example after miscarriage, childbirth), the calculation will begin from the current month.
Suitable dates are specially marked in the calculation when the pregnancy will be without complications. Such dates are not many. It can happen that not a single one is found for following year, it is very individual. The calculation will be made for a longer period in such a case so that a client can receive at least one suitable date.
The calculation also contains the determination of gender which is secondary though as the aim is a successful pregnancy.